
| the zeroth dimension |

[exploring languages and machines that create and transform sounds, geometries and symbols]

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recurrent reflections

everything is an art until swallowed by industry. the real problem, and the real solution is the self. despair can be the only sensible response, after perceiving humanity’s impact on the biosphere. one simply does not repair a car while driving it; even operating systems know that. food is life, poison is death; perception differentiates…


the internet, one offspring of novelty, is an instrument of synchronicity. a few oxymorons: education industry, software engineering, civilized society, industrial revolution, business as usual, R&D, employee benefits, social media. the cause of causality is space-time. in order to become resistant to hubris you must get infected by it. ideology is deception. do nothing, and…


the law of conservation of convenience: convenience can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form of convenience into another. reinvention seems like the only way to really appreciate invention. the urge to classify is a disease that can perhaps be cured by exploring ontology. education systems: failed exercises in…

Computer Art

Of late I find myself gravitating towards the intersection between the areas of computer science, mathematics, music and visualization. Truly, the fields of knowledge are separate owing to our limited perception, not because they are actually different fields. In my endeavor to gain intellectual understanding, I sense I have become terribly lopsided in my understanding of the universe. The mind-body complex itself is an organization of chaos. Seeking Gnosis is inescapable. Evolution is inevitable. Enlightenment is inexorable.

These image/video/audio artifacts are built with either Processing or Sonic Pi. Python of course, with its pseudo-code like syntax, is employed extensively behind the scenes in the form of command line programs either to chop up audio, convert file formats, or pre-process data for visualization.

Some manifestations are beautiful, and sometimes beauty manifests.

Here is the link to an older blog of mine (mostly arcane musings): finitesimal.

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